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Oli & Carol - Grape Rattle Toy

New revolutionary concept! Oli&Carol's Artichoke Rattle Toy is the GREENEST RATTLE IN THE MARKET! Its exterior is made of 100% natural rubber, and inside are UPCYCLED CHERRY SEEDS that turn this teether into a rattle. 2 in 1! This rattle toy has been designed hand-to-hand with certified otorhinolaryngologists, with whom we have been able to create the perfect sound pitch that will help babies calm down, rather than overstimulate! Filled with incredible textures & details that will help stimulate baby little one's senses while teething on them! -Sound made from upcycled cherry seeds! -Calm babies down with sounds of nature!  -Easy to grasp, hang & take everywhere! And great stocking stuffers for the holidays!

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