100 First Words for Little Gym Rats

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A hilarious take on 100 First Words perfect for your growing #fitfam!
There’s protein powder in the pantry and a yoga mat in the living room. We meal prep and take #flexFriday selfies. We're living the fit life and proud of it! But is there nothing for baby?

Introducing 100 First Words for Little Gym Rats, a health and fitness primer for kids learning their first words! Forget apple and dog. Little gym rats are ready to move from ABCs to BCAAs and other important exercise-related words like hypertrophy, deadlift, and Arnold. Packed with hilarious illustrations and 100 words every active baby should know (before any others, of course), 100 First Words for Little Gym Rats is the perfect board book for fit families everywhere. The best way to introduce your child to what Mommy or Daddy does at the gym and to teach the importance of health and fitness from the very beginning!

*Board Book*


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